KeyMolnet Contents are constructed by validation, standardization, extraction, and review of data collected from carefully selected literatures by IMMD scientists. Therefore, KeyMolnet Contents ensure greliability,h and is thus called gBrain-Curated Contentsh.KeyMolnet Contents consist of three core sets of information; gMolecular Network,h gDisease,h and gDrug.hCore Contents:The information of gPathwayh which consists of signal transduction, transcriptional regulation, and metabolic pathways, and gMolecular Relationh is collected from the full text of reviewed articles at the high levels. Thus, it is very reliable and stable.Secondary Contents:The information of gMolecular Relationh is collected from the PubMed abstracts of published papers. Secondary Contents contain more comprehensive and up-to date information.User Contents:Userfs experimental and/or hypothetical data can be merged with the KeyMolnet Contents and used as integrated data.Currently, HPRD (Human Protein Reference DatabaseTM) data are available in KeyMolnet as one of the integrated User Contents.

Disease Information covers a broad range of disease areas and is systematically organized.Disease Name, Disease Mediating MoleculeAName and/or Pathological Event Name can easily be retrieved using each of these terms.Disease Mediating Molecule is defined as a molecule associated with a certain disease.Pathological Event is defined as biological phenomena, events and processes in the disease states including symptoms and clinical signs.Molecular networks can also be generated based on information of gDisease,h gDisease Mediating Moleculeh and/or gPathological Event.hgEndoplasmic Reticulum Stressh network based on the gPathological Eventh information.Drug Information The information on Target Molecule and its reference has been compiled from the launched drugs in Japan and US. The information on drug candidates under clinical development and reagents are also included.

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